I Have A Lot To Be Thankful for This Year

This year I decided to make a loooong list of what things I am Thankful for this year because a) I’ve never done this before and b) In the midst of life, hecticness, etc, I think sometimes we forget to stop and reflect on the things we appreciate in life.

I am thankful for..

  • Having family & friends who really care about me.
  • Surviving all the obstacles in life– it didn’t kill me, but made me stronger.
  • Getting a new good job, with great people who treat me really well (oh and they make cookies & treats!).
  • Being able to walk, having arms, legs, etc.
  • Cheese & all the foods I enjoy.
  • Wine.. I wouldn’t have drank it or appreciate it if it weren’t for friends.
  • Strangers who did or said little things that mean a lot, including the dude who gave me a coupon for ice cream!
  • Friends who truly care about me and ask for nothing more from me than to be a friend and to be myself.
  • Friends who stood besides me at my best, worse & Weird.
  • Fresh air.
  • New friendships I’ve made and being able to break down my wall & share a closeness with each of them.
  • Old friendships that still exist, regardless how often we see each other, I still haven’t forgotten & I still value such friendships.
  • Reuniting with friends I’ve known since k-12, after thinking I’d never see or hear from them again, and appreciating how wonderful people they still are.
  • Those who recognized their path of self distraction and taking steps to change so that they no longer hurt themselves or others
  • Discovering that I can have Breyer’s yogurt parfait!
  • Receiving all the free food that I did just for being at the right place at the right time (e.g. Panera Bread)!!
  • Ending up in once piece & safe in dangerous situations.
  • Being able to finally pay off my car… one less bill to worry about!
  • Still having a big voice from a little body… That helps with karaoke!
  • Being able to give hope to friends & be there when they’re feeling alone.
  • Being able to inspire others.
  • Being able to experience the beach after 3 years!
  • The karaoke DJ’s who appreciate my wackiness
  • New beginnings
  • My karaoke and band friends.. they bring excitement to a “boring” city & made history.
  • Being able to still see awesome bands & take pics of them, during tough times thanks to band friends, their presale tickets, & my amateur photography skills! They’re wonderful!
  • Being able to burn the candles I’ve saved for a decade from a good friend.
  • That those who are no longer with us this year, was able to their lives the way they hoped
  • My friend, who’s an activist, & for her invitations to events, encouraging others to do something, & inspiring me to continue my path to “save the world” (one code at a time.. of course!)
  • You, who actually read this whole list. 🙂 

I have a lot more that I might add to later, but I must go on with my thanks festivities!  Happy Gobble Gobble Day!

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